How do you feel nowadays? Especially now we are in the midst of a Pandemic. Do you always feel sad, frustrated, and helpless? How’s your stomach, does it always hurt? Do you have headaches or back pains? Now, it’s confirmed that you are stress. Aside from that usually being stressed you always in a state of shock, disbelief, and numbness, you usually have difficulties in concentrating and making decisions. And worst you wanted to smoke, drinking alcohol, and sometimes taking drugs because you are not in a good state of mind. It can be physical and emotional. Those are common reactions of a stressed person. ‘Not my photograph’ -Big thanks to the owner- There are a lot of people nowadays experiencing so much stress especially now because of covid-19, staying at home is good because you are with your family. But until when? It’s been a yea...
"The Charm Inside". Welcome to The Charm Inside. I'm a beginner blogger having a knowledge and experiences about life, lifestyle and journey in life and I wanted to share with you how your life, your lifestyle and your journey in life will become more exciting, more useful and eventually achieve the success and happiness you are aiming.